How to Write an English Blog

Contrary to a majority of the writing completed by students that’s built into the english curriculum, blogs are an opportunity for students to write in a more free manner, and take the conversation in a direction and mode that they feel best fits the general topic. For this reason, blogs can be difficult to write sometimes. 

From my personal past experiences, blogs are one of the writing forms that are best drafted impromptu, without previous preparation. A carefully crafted blog is no longer a blog, but an essay. For this reason, the first step is to start typing, not a thesis but an experience. Be it yours or someone else’s, this step is essential to setting the stage for the rest of your writing. Depending on the specific topic, this experience could be heavily descriptive, it could also be more analytical. It could really be any topic about anything from your specific POV. This then leads into the next step, which is to make it personal. This doesn’t always mean making it emotional or heartfelt, but a blog, as a more informal piece of writing, should usually present a writing signature. A specific flow, sentence structure, word choice, or diction choice typical of your writing that is most exemplified through informalities, and less present in your more formal pieces.

After that, your blog really is essentially complete. As short as they are, after beginning to describe an experience, incorporating a personal writer’s touch, the only last step is to leave a bit of food for thought. What was the purpose of your blog? What are the key takeaways your reader should have? What do you want to get them thinking about? Rhetoric is essential in this last step to maximize impact. Quotes can also be used occasionally if a good one comes to mind.


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